Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wordless Wednesday ~ November 30, 2016

See my wordless pals at:

Cheryl Andrews
Carin Makuz
Barbara Lambert
Allyson Latta
Elizabeth Yeoman


  1. Great, through-provoking image for WW, Allison. It looks like a shot out of the past, but I think that's the look you wanted to create in post-processing. It makes the viewer wonder how prevalent logging and these 'worn' looking logging trucks still are at your end of the country.

  2. I had to laugh when I clicked on, Alli, because it reminded me of the question that Douglas and I always ask as we are travelling to the coast -- where inevitably we pass logging trucks just like this heading "inland" while just as frequently we pass others going in the opposite directions -- and we wonder why the logs don't just stay and get used in the place where they were "born".

  3. Also I love the patterning that the log-ends make. Great shot

  4. It does have a timeless, or vintage, feel about it, and the touch of snow adds to that too somehow, as well as the black and white. It also brings on a frisson related to the danger of driving behind them.
