Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Wordless Wednesday ~ December 27, 2017

See my Christmas pals at:

Barbara Lambert
Carin Makuz
Allyson Latta
Cheryl Andrews
Elizabeth Yeoman


  1. This is terrific; the way the sharp blue knife-edge shadow runs in from the left to meet the knife-blue of the lake on the right; the way the nose of the ship is just tucked in there on the left, to balance all the horizontal lines. By the way did you know that the first group of "German Canadians" to settle in the Okanagan came down the lake on that paddle steamer back in about 1920-21, to join a "peace-loving vegetarian community" of young German ex- soldiers after WWI, a short-lived venture of my father who was also a young war-sickened German ex-soldier.

    1. I remember you shared this fascinating story with me when I was in Penticton for my writers' retreat. It deserves to be written about, Barbara.

  2. Oh, such brilliant sunshine and crisp colours. I love the varied strata of this photos, from the snowy foreground to the mountains in the background. As Barbara says, the shadow cutting in from the left balances the composition. The boat jutting into the frame creates a sense of movement (though in fact the boat may not have been moving). There's even a dab of bright red (the CN stack on the other boat) as contrast. Lovely.
