Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wordless Wednesday ~ March 9, 2016

See my other Wordless Wednesday buddies at:

Allyson Latta


  1. Beautiful mystery ... a stunning purple ribbon tree. Where? Who does it honour, Allison?

  2. Cheryl, this was in Chicago a few years ago. I think it was an art installation. I loved the way the purple jumped out against the grey stone of the building.

  3. What an eye, what an eye! I adore this composition, aside from the total gorgeousness of the wisteria, whose scent lifts right off the page.

  4. I thought it was wisteria at first too... but I have my glasses on. And it's not. It's even better! Beautiful. There seems to be a compulsion to decorate trees with various things, knitting is big. I've never seen anything like this before though. And I'd love to know The Why behind it. Although, I suppose it may be whatever we'd like it to be... wisteria, for instance. (;

  5. Oh boy -- the woman without glasses goofs up again. Yes, even better than wisteria, when one's eyes clear and one enlarges and leans close and sees that it's a marvellous art installation!

  6. The colours are absolutely spectacular - the brilliant purple against that particular shade of grey. A good theme for Lent too - speaking from my Catholic background.

  7. What an idea to decorate a tree in purple .. very beautiful indeed! Bastet
