Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wordless Wednesday ~ December 11, 2013

Other Wordy Wednesday Contributors:
Cheryl Andrews
Barbara Lambert
Elizabeth Yeoman
Carin Makuz
Allyson Latta
Sheila Yeoman


  1. Oh, what a delight! Makes me want to sing and dance. Makes me wonder ... where??? What a great job your "magpie" eye always does.

  2. OMG ... not just the fence, but the house and now the car! Love it all

  3. Eccentric god-botherers?! The car looks reptilian; one patch looks like a spider's web, though. Long ago I had a bicycle which I painted like this house...

  4. I just realized those are car hoods with faces painted on them up against the wall of the house! I thought they were designated parking spaces; now they make me think of tombstones. And are the spots on the car actually pennies?

  5. You said you lived in an interesting neighbourhood... (:
    Looking forward to the background on this. But as for story fodder... ten out of ten. The prospect of imaging who might live here and what compelled/compels them to this form of 'art'... is delicious. Neighbourhoods need more colour, generally. All that brick, all those white garage doors need painting. Front doors too. Think St. John's, I say!!

    1. Though I've actually never seen a polka dot house in St. John's. They go in more for geometrics or solids. We should take inspiration from this! (Me especially since our house is a very dull colour painted by the last owner and very durable it seems.)

  6. Wow, what a find! Someone whimsical lives here. How could anyone in a house like this be anything but cheerful all the time? Great capture, Allison. I love how you're attracted to colour in your shots. It's quite amazing the place you find it.
