Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wordless Wednesday ~ January 25, 2017

See also:

Cheryl Andrews
Carin Makuz
Barbara Lambert
Allyson Latta
Elizabeth Yeoman


  1. Is this truly a pink tree, Allison? Stunning. Exotic. Wherever did you discover it?

  2. Beautiful beautiful arbutus!!! I know they shed their skins rather (I think) than their leaves, each year -- and the pink "newness" of these limbs is totally sensual and amazing and almost indecent. I love the way you've caught them in all their tender yet resolute fragility.

  3. Yes, indeed Barbara - the colours of the Arbutus are absolutely stunning and they only in these coastal marine areas.

  4. Looks like something from the set of The Hobbit. So pretty it's got to be un-real... Would love to see one in person. (Also, I think B has a future in sexy arborist lit.)
