Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Wordless Wednesday ~ December 2, 2015

See my Wordless Wednesday friends at:

Cheryl Andrews
Carin Makuz
Barbara Lambert
Elizabeth Yeoman
Allyson Latta


  1. What a fascinating and colourful sculpture. Your pov renders it mystical and magical! Looking forward to the reveal, Allison.

  2. I spotted this sculpture at the Olympic Village site in Vancouver, Cheryl - very fun and colourful, and yes, I loved this pov too.

  3. Once again, the Alli-Wow factor. The surprise and delight of clicking on one of your shots. What a terrific angle -- against that mackerel sky. Love this.

  4. I love this shot, Allison. Colourful and geometric, and I agree that the angle is effective. It took me a moment, from this perspective, to see they were human figures. Fascinating. And the sky with those ripply clouds behind makes the shot all the more striking and appealing to the eye.

  5. Magic, this. The colours are stunning, and the sky. Would love to see a 'flat' shot of this (i.e. the kind most people would take!) just to see the difference, to see what you saw and then *turned* it into this!
