Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wordless Wednesday ~ October 7, 2015

See these Wordless Wonders too at:


  1. Wow, that's metafiction if I ever saw it in living colour! So tricky, so intriguing, so multi-layered in its story line. And of course as so often, with you, WAY more than a "hint of Hmmmm???"

  2. Mural on a brick wall? Taken ... where? Why? Love the comp and tones. Great eye, Allison!

  3. I'm in love with street art. You've captured a particularly beautiful piece here.

  4. It's interesting how much the textures of the concrete blocks and (I think) window ledge add to the image (and how much the image adds to the otherwise completely banal wall too, of course!). Perfectly composed and I like the way his arm engages with the window, bringing the two worlds together.
