Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wordless Wednesday ~ October 14, 2015

See also:
Elizabeth Yeoman


  1. Golly, I hope this is not an omen of what is going to happen to our country after election day. On the other hand, it's really good to see the flag so valiantly flying, no matter what. And clearly it's full speed ahead! So maybe it's a really hopeful omen of new things to come??? (Here's one WW type who needs to get a life, I'd say -- me of course not you!!!) Great picture, and, as so often with yours, it made me laugh the moment I clicked on.

  2. Well, that's pretty much how he's left things. Maybe we can start putting it back together next week. (Notice the steering wheel in the corner... choppy water but there's hope yet!)

  3. I'm hoping it's a metaphor for now and not after the election!
