Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wordless Wednesday ~ February 25, 2015

Waiting Room

See these other Wordless Wednesday Wonders:

Elizabeth Yeoman
Barbara Lambert
Cheryl Andrews
Carin Makuz
Allyson Latta


  1. Beautiful, this! And I'm so glad you didn't go B&W; I love the sense of reality the taupe carpet lends to what feels like a familiar scene (yet not familiar enough). The light on those seats that suggest freedom is but a window away. The scuffed paint on the pedestals (from impatient shoes?). The angle of the corner and the lines of chairs in contrast with their shape. You have such an eye. And as a story prompt, this is a dilly.

  2. I LOVE THIS, Allison!

  3. What a perfect composition -- and "waiting" room is so apt. Those chairs look ready to speak somehow, waiting for something rather more than just bottoms to sit on them, something ethereal about the look of them with their reflections … a story prompt indeed!

  4. Yes, there's a sense of expectancy here. I like the diagonal composition, and the appealing shape and shine of those chairs, and the fact we don't see the windows except in the reflection on the seats. I agree that it wouldn't have worked as well in b&w. The subtle colour in the walls and carpet is effective here as a contrast to the black. Somehow the texture of the carpet stands out too. A waiting room where? Do tell.

  5. Hi all, thanks for your comments. This was a tiny waiting room at the ferry terminal serving the route from the Newfoundland mainland to Fogo Island. I expect it was mainly used in bad weather as it would have been rather dreary to sit in.

  6. A perfect abstract, with a touch of the absurd, but at the same time a formality that says something quite different. It also reminded me of this waiting room photo mystery I read about recently:
