Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wordless Wednesday ~ August 13, 2014

See these other Wordless Wonders at:

Cheryl Andrews
Barbara Lambert
Carin Makuz
Elizabeth Yeoman
Allyson Latta


  1. Oh Allison, I would have loved to toured those classics with you! Great shot, all those proud beauties so perfectly lined up. Good eye.

  2. Oh I love this! I so agree with Cheryl. A wonderful capture of this very fun event.

  3. The colours and the angle, the lines, the sense of how this is a male thing, the era, the upgrades... all takes centre stage, while the background in all its majesty just IS... always and always. No machismo nor paint needed. Human ego vs the 'real'.
    I love this shot for that quality most of all...
