Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wordless Wednesday ~ November 6, 2013

See these other Wordless Wednesday Contributors too:
Allyson Latta
Barbara Lambert
Elizabeth Yeoman
Sheila Yeoman
Carin Makuz
Cheryl Andrews


  1. Beautiful shot, Allison. Love how it tugs at the heart ... the toppled gravestone in the background mirrored emotionally by the fading dandelions in the fore. It held my eye captive ...

  2. Oh, so wistful and at the same time mellow. Such a perfect statement of, well, life on this earth as it (and our lives) turn(s). The half-tumbled tombstones, the dandelions both flowering and about to seed, the screen of dark trees against the blue sky. Perfect.

  3. Such a universal thing, isn't it, this fascination with tombstones and cemeteries. I especially love ones like this, that appear abandoned, and yet, here we are, staring, wondering the who, what and when of it, taking photos and having this 'not so lost soul after all' and their messy bit of space inspire all manner of philosophy...
    Where did you find this one?

  4. A wealth of juxtapositions: life, dying and death; angular and irregular; soft and hard; fluff and stone and needle.

  5. Someone once told me that a composition where the subject is centred creates the impression of balance, harmony, peace -- and that's what this conveys to me. That, and the blue sky and sunshine, makes the shot a reassuring one (does that make sense?) despite the state of the toppled stones, the shaggy grass, the dandelions half flowering, half seeding -- symbolizing transition? Death as a return to earth/nature, part of a cycle? A very interesting scene and angle, Allison, with lots of symbolic possibility. Definitely a hint-of-hmm shot.

  6. Toppled 'stones make me think of drunken vandals, ha! I can feel the summer heat in this photo - but somehow I find it melancholic, not just because it's a graveyard, but because neglect of the place is made obvious under the stark midday sun. It's the neglect of history and the importance of documentation, too...
