Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday ~ November 20, 2013

See these other members of the Click Chicks in action:
Barbara Lambert
Elizabeth Yeoman
Carin Makuz
Cheryl Andrews
Sheila Yeoman
Allyson Latta


  1. If this happens to be near a beach it just might be my dream home. A rooftop is exactly where I think lawns belong. [Remind me: is there a place in the Okanagan that has goats grazing on a roof?? I've seen that somewhere and can't now think where...]

    What wonderful bright colours [three different kinds of green] and the way you've caught that breeze/wind.

  2. Ms. Magtree -- the goats on the roof are to be found on the way across Vancouver Island as you travel towards Long Beach; a famous little stop (mainly famous for the goats) the name of which escapes me now....
    I love this Allison, and wonder "where on earth"? The blowing sheets, the green roof, the house itself well bolstered against what must be fierce winds, and the fine pile of wood by the door. All so cleverly "caught" in your frame.

  3. And somehow I got cut off before the rest of my comment got posted, which was about the picture itself. Love the shot, Allison; the framing of it, and the windy feel, and the well-shored-up house, and the cosy pile of wood. "Where on earth?"

  4. Just lovely!! I agree with Carin that the three shades of green are particularly wonderful, and just the tranquility the whole thing evokes.

  5. Lovely scene, Allison. I'd like to be the woman sitting in that chair, hot cup of tea, watching the sheets dry! Good eye and great capture here!

  6. I like the dried sod fringe along the roof edge - unintentionally decorative. There are actually 4 or 5 greens in this! Is this in Scandinavia, maybe?
