Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wordless Wednesday ~ April 24, 2019

See my friends at:

Elizabeth Yeoman
Carin Makuz


  1. Are you kidding me with this picture? Unbelievable! The ferris wheel is already enough of a wow, the lines and arcs, the modern 'pods' against the ancient stone, the winding metal stairs, the imagined lives and history in these buildings... oh, that's plenty. I could look at it all a long time. (And what a sight it must have been to come upon, that wheel!) BUT this isn't enough for Photo Ally is it????? You have to commission a seagull to fly 'right there' in between the triangles, perfectly. Oh my lord. You are something indeed!
    I adore your pics.

  2. Thanks Carin! The seagull was a stroke of luck, but I agree, the textures and shapes were wonderful.
