Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wordless Wednesday ~ November 22, 2017

Chair Series #4

See my friends:
Allyson Latta
Elizabeth Yeoman


  1. Please can I come there and sit in that sunny corner with you and drink the cafe lattes that we picked up on the way -- and when we've done we can count the petals on one of the daisies in the grass...! What a delightful reminder of summer joys (sometime!) to come.

  2. Shiny white metal table and chairs juxtaposed against that towering, organic grey rock wall. Stunning.

  3. I like the textures. The grass against the warm stone against the cool metal of the furniture. My story would be about a prison where one of the inmates (we'll call him Joel) campaigned (successfully) for some patio furniture in a corner of the exercise yard and how this changed the vibe of the whole institution to one of civility and a hankering for afternoon tea.
