Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Wordless Wednesday ~ July 12, 2017

With a special nod to the Litter I See Project this week: https://thelitteriseeproject.com

Carin Makuz
Barbara Lambert
Allyson Latta
Elizabeth Yeoman
Cheryl Andrews


  1. LOVE IT. Of course I do. And who wouldn't??? And what's in the toe? And now we know what province Cinderella lives in... But, yes. Story. Okay. The shoes were left outside her house, just as we see them. Keys to the house are in the toe. This is, essentially, a goodbye note to her spouse. She is on a train heading east as we speak.

  2. I love your story Carin! I didn't want to disturb the wee gift inside, but it looked like a little Canadian flag and a pair of red earrings, and I'm not sure what else. Maybe the owner was on her way home from Canada Day celebrations and decided the shoes were just too much or, better still wanted to leave the shoes for someone else and tucked a little gift inside to complete the outfit?

  3. Marvellous find, marvellous and intriguing capture. Enlarged, the gift inside does indeed look like a Canada Day moment! Carin I love your story. There is something very poignant about this scene!

  4. I love Carin's story too, and would love to know what really happened, though I fear, prosaically, that too much alcohol was probably involved. It's a fantastic photo, in any case, perfectly meeting the criteria (as I understand them) of Wordless Wednesday as it leaves us longing to know more.
