This elicited a satisfied Mmmm! as I clicked on. Just for starters there is something so satisfying about hexagons … and to come upon a whole "shoal" of them basking in the grey waters of … some northern shore … disappearing off into the distance further than one can see… intriguing indeed. I suspect this is a huge fish farm! I am thinking perhaps iceland??? Very evocative in such a number of ways, in any case.
The Invasion of the Hexagons.... or a sea of geometry? Could it be rooftops? The sterile cleanliness matches what appears to be the clean lines of the architecture in the background. Bauhausesque. Think I'm going to like this story...
An intriguing shot, Allison ... all the more so by your choice of tone. A flat horizon, a sky mirrored in the glass tiles ... a luscious grey honeycomb of complementary textures.
This elicited a satisfied Mmmm! as I clicked on. Just for starters there is something so satisfying about hexagons … and to come upon a whole "shoal" of them basking in the grey waters of … some northern shore … disappearing off into the distance further than one can see… intriguing indeed. I suspect this is a huge fish farm! I am thinking perhaps iceland??? Very evocative in such a number of ways, in any case.
ReplyDeleteThe Invasion of the Hexagons.... or a sea of geometry? Could it be rooftops? The sterile cleanliness matches what appears to be the clean lines of the architecture in the background. Bauhausesque. Think I'm going to like this story...
ReplyDeleteAn intriguing shot, Allison ... all the more so by your choice of tone. A flat horizon, a sky mirrored in the glass tiles ... a luscious grey honeycomb of complementary textures.
ReplyDeleteAllis -- we are all dying for the reveal!!!!!!