Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wordless Wednesday ~ April 22, 2015

See also:

Cheryl Andrews
Carin Makuz
Barbara Lambert
Elizabeth Yeoman
Allyson Latta


  1. Now that is a beautiful mystery. It has a dream feeling -- that kind of thing that happens in a dream that seems so clear in a way, and yet you wake and can't figure it out! I am not sure what this beautiful glass (or resin?) object is, or whether we are seeing its cast-through image on the floor or on a wall??? At first I thought -- Kite! But no. Lovely and mysterious.

  2. Fascinating how you've framed this shot, Allison! It gives a strong sense of motion ... the glass panel seems to be drifting, like a falling leaf, to the ground. Wow!

  3. Such a fascinating image. Great composition. The glass dish (?) seems suspended in the air -- at least, if that's a wall behind it. But the viewer doesn't quite know which way is up! Love the colours in the glass, especially the orange of the bird's beak and legs, the glass's shine, and the reflection behind, so clear it almost looks like an imprint. Its glow is in contrast to the darker original.
