Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wordless Wednesday ~ May 25, 2016

Please investigate these other Wordless Wonders too:

Elizabeth Yeoman
Barbara Lambert
Allyson Latta
Carin Makuz
Cheryl Andrews


  1. Now isn't this just the most fascinating image, Allison!!!! Play with a laser at night, perhaps? Looking forward to the reveal. In the meantime, I find a whimsical elegance in shape and form against the black backdrop.

  2. My one and only attempt at light painting, Cheryl! A flashlight in the back yard at night.

  3. I read the above comments so saved myself a lot of head scratching and I NEVER would have got it. But now I want to try it! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I mean frame-worthy. I like looking at this, a lot.

  4. I am bamboozled, once again. Oh, except that I have now read your explanation above. I NEVER would have guessed. So clever, so other-worldly. Wonderful.
